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Career Opportunities in an international Law Firm

Article by Gloria Miskovic, trained Rechtsanwalts- und Notariatsangestellte, now Administrative Supervisor of an international law firm with premises in Frankfurt am Main, responsible for 17 of non-legal stuff.

After completing my apprenticeship and becoming a “Rechtsanwalts-und Notarfachangestellte”, I did not have great expectations in terms of career opportunities. Becoming a legal assistant was nothing else but the wish to learn a respectable and crisis-proof trade, that what provide the security to explore more ambitious opportunities. Seriously, at age 21, I was convinced that I already achieved the level of a good assistant.

Uninspired by my job, I felt the need to inform my new boss about my plans not to stay an assistant forever. In a professional and still friendly manner, he was actually the first superior to actually commit himself to actively further my advancement, even though in a somewhat vague way. However, as his reputation as a straight shooter was beyond question, I was relieved and motivated enough to commit myself to an extended stay at the law firm and to do my best to earn the trust that was placed upon my small shoulders.

Within the next few years, I learned how challenging this task would become - When my boss and I started to work together, he was partner of a local German law firm. Two years later, his law firm merged with Faegre & Benson LLP, a law firm of a very different breed, offering 475 lawyers in a full range of practice groups, with lawyers located in the United States, in Europe and in Asia. I was very excited about the development and the opportunities the change would bring. We worked very close with our colleagues at the head office to manage the merge in every administrative aspect.

For the first time I realized that I actually had not only the ability to perform administrative duties, but a talent. I was forced to rise to the occasion as these tasks certainly transcended my daily routines of typing letters, filing copies or issuing invoices. Here I was able to prove my true potential and to actually receive the recognition that was necessary to advance. This development was even further accelerated during an additional restructuring phase when a couple of the German partners decided to go, and disrupt day-to-day operations. This transition period made it very clear to me that moving forward in my field was only possible if the following criteria were met:

1.) A corporate structure with a critical mass. When you work in a small local law firm with few partners and small accounts, you will never be able to perform sophisticated duties as the structure does not allow you to be little more than a secretary. The scope of responsibilities will always be limited as partners in such structures will never really delegate. Micromanagement is one of the biggest challenges in such environment.

2.) Crisis resistance. Great opportunities are always linked to major threats. If you cannot prove yourself in a hostile environment and take on responsibility in the face of potential failure, your career will go nowhere, so volunteer for the Kamikaze-assignments!

3.) Responsibility. In the end, everything comes down to numbers. As I work in the administrative branch, I cannot generate billings, but one can certainly accumulate savings. Each hour that I save for my superiors is an hour that they can bill. In order to exponentiate this effect you have to take over both fiscal responsibility and responsibility for the human resource department. In the end, these two fields separate the cream from the crop.

Unfortunately, these lessons are not taught, only learned and it is a pity that these steps are not communicated in a more straight-forward fashion, but only in the painful meeting-rooms of life. I am certain that more of my peers would rise to the occasion if they would be confronted with the opportunity. However, we still live in a world where you have to grasp it.

This year I will be sent to the United States to work on projects and to allocate seminars at the “ALA’S (Association Of Legal Administrators) 36th Annual Educational conference and Exposition”, hopefully preparing me for my next step onwards my career ladder. I have never dreamed of the opportunities an international law firm can offer – Fortunately enough, sometimes it’s not about dreaming, but your superiors belief and commitment in your potential.

Quelle: Gloria Miscovic - vom 14.06.08